
日本防卫大臣证实,美国方面已向日本提出协调,希望在境内重启“鱼鹰”运输机的飞行。据共同社 previously reported, the United States Air Force Special Operations Command released a statement on February 20th, stating that the November 29th crash of an “鱼鹰” transport plane in Kagoshima Prefecture was caused by mechanical failure. However, the cause of the failure remains unclear and technical testing and analysis are ongoing. According to NBC News, the US military is conducting tests for the transmission failure of the “鱼鹰” transport plane. Several senior US officials said that the “鱼鹰” transport plane may resume flights within several weeks. On November 29th, 2023, a US-made “鱼鹰” transport plane crashed into the sea off the coast of Kagoshima Prefecture. After the accident, Japan grounded all 14 of its “鱼鹰” transport planes and requested the US to ground them as well, until the completion of the accident investigation. The incident has sparked widespread public protests in Japan, with many people calling for an end to the use of the aircraft, citing concerns about their safety.


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